Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Day 10: Caulking the Molding in Kitchen (and Painting...)

First of all...did you see that, day 10..as in double digits!! Ok, on to my project...

Today's project turned into a snowball effect...and I don't think it's over, I have a feeling there will be more daily projects of painting thanks to today's task.  It all started when I decided that I would FINALLY caulk the seams of the molding in the kitchen...then once I did the seams, I had to go back and fill in the finishing nail holes....then when the caulk dried, it was a brighter white then the molding itself, so I had to repaint the molding......do you see what I mean, a snowball effect.  Only it's not over, because as I sit here and type, I'm noticing how badly the rest of the molding needs to be repainted...and if I do it in one room, I'm going to have to do it in all of the rooms.  You all thought there were a lot of posts about spackle...just wait until I start painting!!! Project 10 - Done.
Before (maybe I should have dusted...)     

Before (notice the lack of touch-up ...that was two paint colors ago...)

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