Monday, March 07, 2011

Day 9: Repair Kitchen Drawer

Back when we remodeled the kitchen, we took the back off of the drawer which held the silverware because the utensil tray didn't fit....not the best way to fix a problem, but it worked.  

See how far back it slides?? So annoying...
Drawer without back
 It's been driving me crazy for a while now, because every time I open and/or close the drawer, the utensil tray slides back (yes I know, this is a silly thing to let bother me) today I decided it was time to fix the drawer.

I found a piece of wood in the garage (what will I do when we finish this garage...I've found so many handy things in it over the last week), painted it, and attached it onto the back of the drawer...instead of the inside where the previous back was attached. It's not a perfect match, but you can't tell when the drawer is in the cabinet...and the best part, the utensil tray doesn't slide back anymore!!!  Project 9 - Done.

Drawer with new back
Look at the utensil tray...right where it belongs!!

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